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5 Key Criteria to Consider When Evaluating an Employment Offer

You did it! You took advantage of the job market resulting from the Great Resignation and have new opportunities to consider.

You updated your old LinkedIn profile and made yourself discoverable to recruiters. Along with effective networking, again using LinkedIn, you found several opportunities that will advance you career.

You won out through multiple rounds of interviews and received several offers. You negotiated them all so you are sure the companies are making the best offers they can.

Now the big question needs to be answered. Which one do you choose?

Use these five criteria to decide and you won’t go wrong!

1. What needs to be accomplished?

Are the functions and responsibilities of the job in your sweet spot?

In other words, does the role play to your strengths? Do you get to use your best qualities most of the time while doing this job?

Why you should care Because playing to strengths is one of the best ways to ensure you will be successful in the new role.

2. Is their why your why?

Does the mission of this business unit, or whole company for that matter, engage you? Do you get excited about what they want to get done in the next two or three years?

Why you should care Because enthusiasm is motivation. Motivation causes you to put extra effort into something. Extra effort that you voluntarily put into to something that plays to your strengths usually results in great success. Strengths + motivation = success. It’s a virtuous circle!

3. Is their how your how?

This company, every company, has a culture. It’s the acceptable way they get things done. The way they have all agreed to behave. Do you generally behave this way as well?

Why you should care Because bad fit is the reason most people either get fired or decide to leave. Even more than poor performance, according to some recruiters.

4. How do they value the role?

This refers to the compensation package you negotiated. Is it fair given the current market? Are they looking for a bargain-priced employee? That may mean they are not looking for a great performer. Are you a better than average performer? Then why would you accept average pay?

Why you should care Especially if you are an early or mid-careerist, more valuable roles generally require more of you! They also provide an opportunity to learn on the job and contribute to the success of the organization, all while expanding your list of professional accomplishments. With big accomplishments under your belt, you become even more valuable to your employer as well as hiring companies in the marketplace.

5. Does accomplishing the things this role requires further your career?

Again, especially if you are an early or mid-careerist, this next role is just a steppingstone. To what though? You do have a career strategy and a career plan for yourself, don’t you? So, which of these opportunities best prepares you for the role after this one?

Why you should care Because you are the only one that does care about your career! Companies focus on their missions and their key stakeholders, including customers and shareholders, as they should. You can bank on it. You are the only one who is responsible for your career strategy and its execution. If you wait for others to notice your work and reward you with promotions you find appealing, then you are probably going to wait a very long time!

Score each of these five attributes for each of your opportunities on a scale from 1 to 10. In each of the 5 “columns” the score should register as an 8, 9, or 10. None should be in the 1 to 5 range and if they all are then keep looking. Unless you desperately need a new job to avoid being evicted or to keep your sanity, avoid ones with 6’s and 7’s as well.

Of the opportunities that score all five attributes in the 8-10 range, pick the one whose mission best aligns with your personal philosophy and priorities. The super enthusiasm and motivation that comes with that opportunity will be contagious to your team, multiplying your value add.

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